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Office of Student Services

Office of Student Services
Contact Information


Cory Mikolazyk
Director of Student Services
Foxborough Public Schools
[email protected]
(508) 543-1645

Karen Hurley
Administrative Assistant 
[email protected]

Kim McDowell
District Wide Team Facilitator/OOD Coordinator
[email protected]
(508) 543-1645

Kathy Joyce
Preschool Coordinator
Burrell Elementary School
(508) 543-1605

Rose Ferraro
Elementary Special Education Team Chair
(Burrell, Taylor, Igo)
[email protected]
(508) 543-1645 or (508) 543-1607

Kerri Quinn
Ahern Middle School
Special Education Team Chair
[email protected]
(508) 543-1610

Matthew Struble
Foxborough High School
Special Education Department Chair
[email protected]
(508) 543-1616

Amy M. Muldowney
Foxborough Public Schools
Community Wellness Coordinator
[email protected]

District Wide Special Education Services 

The following services are available to students ages 3-22 who are found eligible according to the criteria set forth in the MA Special Education Regulations and the Federal Individuals with Disabilities. Education Act of 2004 (IDEA).

Specialized developmental and academic instruction services are provided from pre-school through high school in one or more of the following areas as deemed appropriate by each individual student’s IEP Team:

Readiness skills
Reading (decoding, comprehension and/or fluency)
Written language
Math (calculation and problem solving )
Organization and Study Skills
Academic Support
The above services are most often provided in a small group, in an inclusion setting (within the classroom environment) and/or outside the classroom environment in a resource room at the elementary level or academic lab setting at the middle and high school. These services are provided to students who are found eligible for special education and present with a low to moderate level of need.

Related services are provided from pre-school through high school as deemed appropriate by each student’s IEP Team in one or more of the following areas:

Speech and Language
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Adaptive Physical Education
Social Skills development
Behavioral Support
The above services are most often provided in a small group, in an inclusion setting and/or outside the classroom as deemed appropriate by each student’s IEP Team.

Staff providing specialized instruction and related services in Foxborough are highly qualified and licensed special educators, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, guidance counselors, school psychologists, behavior specialists, physical education teachers, education assistants, and speech and language assistants.